Friday, May 22, 2009

So May Isn't The Hottest Month

Well, it turns out that May isn't the hottest month in Belize. Someone told me that and I figured it was true since it was getting so hot around here lately. But come to find out August is the hottest month...Crap! Just when I thought it was hot enough. I will say this though, it's rained a few times in the past couple days so that has been nice. And the ocean...WOW...can you say flat!!! You can't even see the reef from the beach. You see, normally, if you look out into the water you see waves breaking about 1000 feet out so from the shore you see white waves cresting over. But this week, when you look out, you barely see any waves...even the dive boats offshore you can see them sitting there in flat water. So what does this mean for me??? Perfecto spear fishing conditions, sunny sky, flat water, even spear fishing outside the reef. This means that even in water that is 100+ feet you can see the bottom. Granted...I can only go down maybe 50-60 max right now but probably even closer to 40' in reality...but still it's so beautiful. So Rob and I have been out fishing a few times...we did pretty good the other day. We went outside the reef and got some rock crabs. Those were really tasty. We might be going out today so if we do I'll try to get some pics and show you our catch.


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