Ok...So since Carley has been in town we actually have a few photo ops that we normally wouldn't worry about taking. But since she's here and we're taking some pics I figured why not give you a view of our life. Right now things are hot...and we're still not in May, the hottest month here. Actually, the temperature isn't too hot...but the sun is scorching...in the shade you're good...but once you're in the sun you'll burn quick. I can't wait until after May but then it'll be rainy season and I'm sure I'll have some complaints about days of non-stop rain, at least as far as service goes. Speaking of service, here are a few pics from the past couple days. This first one has Dani driving in service. We have the Circuit Overseer this week so most of the group went to the North end of the island by boat, so today it was Dani, me, Carley, and another sister in the hall. Dani had someone's cart so we didn't have to bike today, which was nice. So here's a shot of Dani in the cart heading to the territory.

Here is a not so good area of the island. I'm sure most of you think, "hey, they live on an island...it must be beautiful!!!" Well, here is the reality of life for a lot of the locals.

People here aren't rolling in the cash, but that's no excuse since it doesn't cost anything to be clean. But for some reason it's in a lot of people's minds that you can fill land with garbage and then just cover it with sand. Hmmm....not a good idea people...have you ever heard about pollution....Sheesh. So here you see one of the areas just north of the bridge called San Mateo. The land is low here so it's flooded most of the time. So the garbage just floats around. Some people call the area London Bridges for the planks that have been put in place so you can walk around with out getting in the water. If you look in the top left corner of this pic you'll see one of the planks I'm talking about. These aren't the sturdiest of walkways so you have to be on your toes. The last thing you want to do is fall in the water. A girl a few years ago fell in and cut her foot...soon after that she ended up dying. There is no telling what is in the water back here. I will say that the territory is very nice to be in though. The people may not have much but they will listen and appreciate the bible. I guess when you don't have much you appreciate good news about the future. I'd rather be walking these planks than knocking on some doors in the good old U.S. of A. where they call the police on you and yell at you to leave from behind their solid wood doors.
On a better note, here's a picture Carley snuck of Dani while she was talking to a call. Isn't she cute on her bike... :) After a long day of pedaling you do get worn out. But it is definetly a good tired. The ministry here is great.
Here's a pic of standing in front of our house looking left down the street.

And here is the view if you make a right out of our yard. That is actually our fence you see to the right. If you click on the picture you can probably see the ocean through the palapa at the end of the street.

And finally for today, here's the beach by our house. Man I gotta get out there and shoot some fish. Well that's it for now. Hope you enjoy...and leave a comment by clicking comment below.

I like the blog mann it seems really nice... u gota try a ganor of that dock hahaha well take it easy and ill catch u sometime soon
Wow guys, you are so inspiring, I'm so proud of you both! I miss you Dani, and think of you often. Now that I know where your blog is I'll make sure to keep up to date with your life in Belize now! :) Love ya! Lauren
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