Wednesday, April 29, 2009

3 Days and 2 Nights I am one tired guy. Here's the scoop. Rob and Beth the parents of Gabe (the cute little guy that is in our pics) where in the city for the last three days. Beth had to rush over to Belize City to have surgery. She's back now and all is well. So while they were in the City, Dani and I had the lil Gaber's with us. Talk about the best form of birth control.... Don't get me wrong. I love this kid. If I had one I would want one like him. But man, this little guy is like a wiggle worm in bed. Dani and I put him in the middle because we'd hate to have him roll out of the bed and hit the floor in the middle of the night. But man this guy does not stop...and he's sleeping the whole time. He kicks you, he pulls your hair, pinches you, laughs, complains, talks to you, says your name...ALL NIGHT LONG...IN SPANISH AND ENGLISH...need less to say I am sleepy tonight. But I must say I love em too much. He's the best. It's nice to have him and get to enjoy him like this. But it does take it out of you.

And then last night he wasn't feeling good so he was even more active. So tonight I'm going to sleep like a baby...well...maybe not a baby...(Where in the halibut did that saying come from)...Can't you tell we watched Shark Tales 30 times...hahaha.

So that's pretty much what todays blog is about. Some pics from the past two days with the Gabers.

Here we are off to school. This is the two seater bike. Rob had a seat and some pegs welded to the frame so Gabe can see where he's going. Off we go.

Here we are after school on our way to the beach, actually the dock to go jump off and swim. Nice bright green floatation suit. Manly Man.

Now if you were a coconut on the beach and Gabe is coming your way, you better get ready to swim. He loves to pick up the coconuts and toss them into the water. Here is his next victim...

Adios coconut...At least that's what he says as he throws it in the water.

He was determined to push me in the water.

We were finally able to get him to build enough courage to jump in off the dock. First I had to hold him...then he was ok with just holding my hand and jumping...and then finally he jumped in on his own...After that he was hooked!!!

Here's Dani coming to get him.

On our way home now. With the breeze it gets quite chilly. All bundled up and ready to go.

Here's one of Carley and I jumping into the water. If you click on this picture to enlarge it you'll see waves breaking in the background in the distance. That would be the second largest reef in the world. All in our backyard. I guess that's one of the perks of living here. Well, it's getting late and I am beat. Time to catch up from the last two nights. Don't forget to leave your comment. If you want to see some other pics from me and Dani's travels in the past, check out I haven't updated it in a while so the blog is more up to date than the website.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

HAHA!! Looks like a blast!