So let's see what else has happened recently. Rob and Beth had some family in town. So I went out with them one day while they were here. I went out spearfishing and we shot some stuff...good lunch. We caught a shark and got it on the boat for a picture...and then we quickly got him back in the water so he could are a few pics from that day... Gabe is ready to go spearing!!!

Another big event was the fact that Dani's dad got married last weekend. It was moved up to Sunday and there was no way we could have afforded to go....being that we're broke and all!!! But we found out the wedding was moved up on Monday. Wednesday we get a call from some of our good friends back in NC and they want us to be there for wedding. So what do they do, they email a confirmation number for a flight home!!!! We couldn't believe it, well, they are amazingly generous so let me rephrase, we could believe it but we were so excited to be able to make it home, especially for the wedding. So we received the confirmation number Wednesday afternoon and flew out Thursday morning. We could only be gone from Belize for five days so it was a quick trip, but a great one. I crammed in as much as I could and only got a few hours of sleep over the five days. The wedding was amazing!!! It turned out so nice...PERFECT! We were also able to see friends and some family while we were there. We got to see Dani's mom and her brother and nephews. I was able to shoot pool at Bobby J's house til 4am....I had Popeye's Chicken at the airport in ATL and Brixx Pasta in Charlotte...a tuna melt at was the perfect quick trip.
And finally that brings us to today...which was a good fishing day. Rob and I went out and shot some lobster and crabs. We got a few this one. This guy took up the entire kitchen sink.
And then tonight Suzanne took us out for dinner since it's her last night. We went up north to a restuarant. They have a boat that picks you up and the boat ride was beautiful, at least on the way back home in the dark. The starry sky here is so pretty. It makes you feel so small. So here are a few pics...The first one is of us leaving the house for dinner. If you look down to the left, you'll see an old bottle I found today on the reef while we were spearfishing. The wood to the right is for some picture frames that I made for Dani.
And here we are on the boat to dinner.
This is the place we ate at. If you look in the background you can see the ocean. How nice!!!
Here's Dani and I relaxing for a few minutes while we wait for our table.
Here is Suzanne just lounging around.
Here's a new feature to the blog...I'm going to start doing a random pic...The picture below is of Dani and I at the top of a volcano in Guatemala. It was so cold and windy up on the mountain...but only a few feet from this the temperature much so that if you stood in one spot too long my boots would melt. Yikes!!!! Don't forget, clicking on the pics makes them larger. Until next time....