Ok, I'm back. So let's see...I finished those tile floors. Here's a before of what they looked like...they weren't in the greatest shape..
As for other work, things are picking up a bit. I might actually make enough this month to cover rent or at least get close to it. I guess we'll see. I've had small computer jobs here there. I did spend some time updating the website, www.BelizeComputerGuy.com so you can now find a few graphic jobs that have been done, (many thanks to Bobby J for his work). As for fishing...not much there either. I haven't been since the last blog so no big updates there...and I'm pretty sure there won't be any fishing pics until December. I'll be busy for the next couple of months and won't have any time for fishing.
So let's see, what has been going on around here?? I spent a few days on the mainland of Belize this month doing some remodel work at the missionary home in Ladyville. There was a fire there some weeks back. A faulty A/C unit caught fire and caused a lot of damage. The spot I had to repair was were the A/C unit had fallen to the floor and the heat from the melting plastic actually cracked the tile floor. So I had to chip out about 25sq/ft of tile with a demolotion hammer and re-tile it. We couldn't find an exact match for the pre-existing tile so we decided to put a border down to make it look like it suppose to be that way. Here's the damage.
So I finished the job at the missionary home and then had to get to the boat to get back to the island. They offered me a ride into town but I didn't want to take them away from the work they were doing so I figured I would just catch the bus as I normally do. So I walk out to the main highway and normally would catch a bus since they run by every 30 minutes or so. But for some reason this day, the buses didn't run by for about an hour and a half. So end up walking from the missionary home a good ways down the main highway. A taxi stopped to pick me up and I wasn't going to jump in being that a taxi is 50 bucks and the bus is $1.50...so the taxi guy told me $5 to town...can't beat that. It wasn't a complete waste of walking though because I found a mango tree growing on the side of the road. So dug it up since it was just a small tree and brought it home. So I'm currently trying to get this thing growing. We'll see what happens.
I'm trying to think of any good experience's lately. Dani still has a handful of studies regularly attending meetings each week. One walks about a mile and half to the meeting with her 3 year old and 6 month old. She's commenting at the meetings and everything. She has another study that she actually went out in service with the other day. Her study is now an unbaptized publisher so that's encouraging. I had a study of mine at meeting the other Sunday also. I had the public talk in Caye Caulker Sunday morning and then at our hall Sunday evening. He was at our meeting and stayed for the WT also. It's so nice to see the results in the ministry. There's nothing more encouraging than seeing people make progress. Here's a quick pic I snapped of our service group the other day heading to the territory. There's a few sisters on the right walking, Dani in the red shirt, and our new sister on the three wheel bike. The new sister is from a small village from the mainland called Sartaneja (Sar-tah-nay-hah). She's an American who has been in Belize for years. She's in her 80's, I want to say 87 if I remember correctly. She peddles that bike all morning on these bad roads. She's so sweet and encouraging and just a book of wisdom. She's been here for about a month and we really love her.
I think that's it for now...I'll be in the States in October so I'll get to see some of you. Oh yeah, one other thing...I got a company in the States to donate an amp for our sound system at the Kingdom Hall. A friend of ours, Rob, happened to be visiting the States so he was able to pick it up and bring it back with him. This thing is killer heavy, like 35 pounds which is a lot for an amp. Although being donated, it cost $180U.S. between the heavy baggage and the import duties paid on it. Not a bad deal considering the cost of a new one. So I spend a few hours at the hall wiring it up and it doesn't work...only one microphone input works...Talk aobut make me mad...Now after being $180 bucks in the hole and having Rob lug this thing here from the States and the hours wasted on hooking it up and even worst having to re-hook up our old amp after realizing this one wasn't going to work you can imagine I was pretty heated up. So I guess I'll be lugging it back to the States later this year to see if the manufacture can fix it. Oh well, no good deed goes unpunished right????!!!!
Well that's it for now...it's midnight here and I only got a few hours of sleep last night so I'm pretty tired. I hope all is well with ya'll.
And this posts random pic is from about three years ago when my brother came down for a visit...here's me, Romeo, a few tuna and his nice mahi mahi...and with all the pics, click on them to enlarge them...Take care...